Saturday, September 03, 2005


Microsoft, Excel and Rasch

Wonderful! Microsoft may be developing Rasch-based scaling procedures in support of obtaining ISO-ANSI accreditation for their certification programs. Perhaps they are using Excel. Mark Moulton has an excellent Rasch demonstration Excel spreadsheet at

Could Microsoft's efforts produce a competitor for Winsteps? I hope so. Adding Microsoft's credibility and consequent publicity would give Rasch methodology a boost and increase the size of the Rasch pie. Bigger pie = bigger slices for everyone.

It is great to know the detailed progress described all the necessary and primary Rasch outputs not only about Person Measures, Item Measures, Person Standard Errors, Item Standard Errors, Person Outfit and Infit, Item Outfit and Infit but also about both the expected values for each cell and the fit for each cell.
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