Friday, October 28, 2005


Market Value = Results + Reputation + Network

Sally Hogshead on

This is Sally Hogshead's formula for valuing yourself on the job market. Her recommendation: take a job at a lower salary short-term if it will soon increase your market value long-term.

This applies to software. Market value long-term isn't the price of the computer program short-term. It's
Results: what the software does for you;
Reputation: whether others will want, believe in and act on those results;
Network: the "invisible college" of users with whom you can interact to optimize your results or their dissemination.

Doesn't this also match what Aristotle called "Logos, Ethos, Pathos" (Message, Credibility, Emotion)?

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Strong science, weak science and Rasch

According to blogger TrueTalk, at Pop!Tech 2005, Norman Packard, a pioneer in chaos and complexity theory at the Santa Fe Institute, commented about "strong" and "weak" science.

Strong science: started with Galileo and the attempt to discover the Rule of Natural Law, continued through Newton and Einstein, and derives the effects of those laws mathematically. It is responsible for the discovery of planetary orbits and the design of cars, computers and bombs.

Weak science: concerned with "Unruly Natural Law." Examples are chaos, turbulence, the emergence of life itself or consciousness. The effects cannot be derived mathematically.

This suggests that Rasch measurement neatly straddles the two domains. Its theory is based on mathematically-derivable "strong" laws, but its practice relies on the stochastic resonance of "weak" laws.

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